Monday, March 06, 2006

Galleriiizu, Kuala Lumpur

7 March 2006, 7pm

7 ASIDE - OFFSIGHT & INSIGHT is about 2 groups of young aspiring artists, some have already created some marks on the art corridor walls and some are still carving and craving. This slightly different group exhibition shall illustrate the cultural diversity in Malaysia by showcasing the work of 7 Malays as well as 7 Chinese artists. Thus 7 Aside is about cross culture, about perception stamped by heritage and origin, about interpretation, about believes and practice. Witness how the meaning of icons will change with the context they are applied at, how colour schemes vary, how motifs are shared within one group as a homogeneous form of identification, how distinctively different two groups of artists raised in the same country can perceive their surroundings - and yet how their Malaysian identity unites their work eventually. Two teams, not competing against each other, but playing the game for a good cause. A friendly match build upon distinctive expressions and impressions.


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